Why It Is Important to License Your Bicycle
Franklin Municipal Code Chapter 87 requires all bicycles that are operated upon streets, highways, and/or alleys, within the city, are to be licensed. Failure to obtain a license for a bicycle, which is operated on city streets and highways, is a violation and could result in a citation and fine.
The Franklin Police Department recovers numerous bicycles throughout the year and in most cases there is no way to know who owns them. These bicycles then go to auction and are sold. Licensing of bicycles benefits the owners, because lost or stolen bicycles that are recovered can be identified and returned.
The license fee is $2.50. The term of the license is 5 years and the cost will decrease by .50 annually. License forms can be obtained at the Franklin Police Department, 9455 W. Loomis Road. The following information is required for the license: owner's name, address, make of bicycle, frame size and type, wheel size, serial number, and color.
Each registration card also has a space for emergency contact information. Bicyclists, especially children, usually do not carry any information regarding their identity. Providing this information may assist Law Enforcement in notifying family members if the cyclist is injured.
Bike Theft Reduction - Register Your Bike(s) 
Statistically, only 25% of bike owners know their bike(s) serial numbers. In the event of bicycle loss or theft; if you have not retained the serial number, the likelihood of getting your bike back is slim.
The Franklin Police Department highly recommends registering all of your bicycles with a FREE service like BikeIndex, in addition to registering it with the city. When you register your bicycle on BikeIndex, you make it possible for law enforcement to instantly determine if a bicycle they’ve recovered has been stolen and that it belongs to you. When you register your bicycle on BikeIndex, any person, officer or bicycle shop can look up a bicycle to see if it was reported stolen – and find out who it belongs to.
Consider taking a few minutes to visit BikeIndex and register your bike(s) for FREE!
The Franklin Police Department also recommends photographing each bicycle individually. Take a clear close up photograph of the serial number as well. You may even consider taking a photograph of you with your bike.
Did you realize that we (bike owners) can prevent crime by simply LOCKING UP our bikes? 70-90% of stolen bikes were NOT locked! One of the top listed locations of bike theft was outside our own homes (yards and open garages). Lock your bike with a high quality, proven lock or properly secure it in your home.
Watch this YouTube video for tips on proper bike locking techniques.
You can also assist police by keeping your garage doors closed, locking your car doors, hiding/ removing garage door openers and valuables.
Report your bike theft IMMEDIATELY at 414-425-2522. With the above tips you can provide officers with accurate and detailed information to assist with a speedy recovery.
Have fun and be safe!
Franklin Police Dept.
9455 W. Loomis Road
Franklin, WI 53132
Phone: 414-425-2522
Fax: 414-425-0391
Hours: 24 Hours/7 Days a Week
911 For Emergencies Only