The City of Franklin has filed a lawsuit against Accurate Appraisal, LLC. A copy of the Complaint can be accessed here: 2025CV001134 Case Details in Milwaukee County.
The City is working closely with its legal team to pursue any potential damages related to the allegations outlined in the Complaint. Due to the pending litigation, we are unable to provide further details at this time. Updates will be provided as they become available.
The 2025 Lottery and Gaming Credit Application is now available online and must be submitted by October 1, 2025 to have it applied to your 2025 tax bill. The online credit form can be submitted now OR can be printed and dropped off/mailed in/emailed to the Treasurer’s office. Please remember you must qualify in order to be eligible for the lottery and gaming credit. To qualify, you must be a Wisconsin resident, own a dwelling and use it as your primary residence as of the January 1 certification date of the year the property taxes are levied. A property owner may claim only one primary residence. You cannot claim the lottery and gaming credit on business property, rental units, vacant land, garages, or other property that is not the owner's primary residence (sec. 79.10(1)(dm), (9)(bm), Wis. Stats.).
The City of Franklin has landed a new manufacturing investment from Modine (NYSE:MOD), a global, diversified industrial leader in thermal management technologies. The company’s Advanced Thermal Systems product group will open a facility in Franklin, Wisconsin to produce thermal management systems that are used in specialty and commercial electric vehicles such as fire trucks, last-mile delivery vehicles, municipal buses, and construction equipment. The new facility is expected to provide 200 full-time jobs by 2029. Modine will lease 153,000 square feet at 3303 West Oakwood Road for its product group, with plans to move into the facility in 2025. Read complete Press Release.
2025 Property Assessment Update
The Assessor's Office completed a city-wide revaluation in 2024 and will conduct a "maintenance year" in 2025. During a maintenance year, property values remain the same unless property characteristics change, such as:
- Permitted work (e.g., a new shed or remodel)
- Corrections from a walkthrough
- Property destruction (e.g., building tear-downs)
Notices of changed assessments will be mailed in late Spring to properties with updated values. You will not receive a notice if your property value does not change. You can confirm your 2025 assessed value during our Open Book period when the assessment roll is available online in late Spring.
For more information or to review your property record, visit the Assessor webpage. If you notice inaccuracies, contact the Assessor’s Office at or 414-425-1416 for verification and corrections. As a reminder, the scope of the Assessor's Office is property valuation, not taxes. If your property's assessed value does not change during a maintenance year, any change in your December taxes would be due to factors external to our office.
Economic Development Community Survey Results
Thank you to those who completed the Economic Development Community Survey! Your input is greatly appreciated and will help in developing a Strategic Plan for the City's economic development goals. We encourage you to view the survey results and reports that were generated from the survey.
Residential Brush Drop-Off & Recycling Center Closed Until Further Notice
PLEASE NOTE THAT DUE TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DPW BUILDING EXPANSION, THE RESIDENTIAL BRUSH DROP-OFF/RECYCLING CENTER YARD, LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE AT 7979 W. RYAN ROAD, IS CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. This includes the gated area for brush drop-off, recycling drop-off, and used motor oil, antifreeze, and oil filters. Wood chips will remain available at this time, but may be re-evaluated during the construction process.
Volunteers Needed to Fill Vacancies on City Boards/Commissions/Committees
Are you interested in serving on a City Board or Commission/Committee? View the list of vacancies that currently exist on the various City Boards and Commissions/Committees. If interested in filling one of these vacancies, please submit a Volunteer Fact Sheet form.