The Franklin Police Department is asking for your help in combating crime. Many residents and businesses have video surveillance systems. While your system records activity happening on your own property, it may also capture movement and actions occurring in areas surrounding your property. Footage of this nature could be a valuable tool in an effort to solve crime. Residents and business owners can be a part of the Franklin Camera Registry Program by registering their video surveillance system with the Franklin Police Department. The information entered into this program will enable police officers to work with residents and businesses to collect potential video evidence. It is important to note we will NOT have direct access to your surveillance system, but would simply request your help with any potential video evidence.
If you wish to register your video surveillance system in the Franklin Camera Registry Program, please read the below Terms of Use/Disclaimer prior to completing and submitting the below form. Please Note: This information will be confidential and available to Franklin Police Department personnel only.
The registration of your video surveillance system is completely voluntary. Registration into the program will be kept confidential by the Franklin Police Department unless subject to disclosure by court order. Registration DOES NOT provide the Franklin Police Department with direct access to your video surveillance system. It will allow police officers to contact the owner of the video surveillance system to view and/or download potential surveillance footage. Surveillance system owners will only be contacted by the Franklin Police Department in the event that there is an incident in the vicinity of their video surveillance system. In such event, police personnel may request a copy of any footage captured by the individual’s video surveillance system that may assist in the investigation of a crime.
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