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The top 5 days for home candle fires are Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, and Halloween. Follow these safety tips when burning candles.

Carbon Monoxide is an invisible, odorless, colorless gas created when fuels burn incompletely. Be sure to know the signs and symptoms of CO poisoning.

A small fire that spreads to a Christmas tree can grow large very quickly. Follow these safety tips for Christmas trees.

The leading cause of home clothes dryer and washer fires is failure to clean them. Follow these safety tips.

Tips for creating and practicing a home fire escape plan.

A portable fire extinguisher can save lives and property but they do have limitations. The number one priority should be to get out safely. Learn how to properly use a fire extinguisher.

Halloween Fire Safety Tips.

Having a working smoke alarm cuts the chances of dying in a reported fire in half.

Following a few simple tips will ensure a happy and fire-safe holiday season!